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Support for Students

Deciding what you want to do in the future can be a very difficult task as the possibilities are endless.  Starting early and doing your research is the key. Below are a number of websites that you can use to find out about different careers and training routes in order to help you make an informed decision about your future.

General information about careers

National Careers Service: The national careers service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. It allows you to look through different job profiles giving you an idea of what each job entails.

ICOULD: icould have video clips of people talking about their jobs. Students are able to search for subjects related careers and take a Buzz Test to generate idea/ potential pathways.

Careers Gateway: Careers gateway provides an on-line careers library for you to look through.

Careers box: Careers box have video clips of people talking about their jobs.​

Post Year 11 Progression - leaflet from Seeds of Change with guidance for Year 11s. 



An apprenticeship is a great way to both gain qualifications and valuable work experience whilst earning money. 

National Apprenticeshipthis website provides information on apprenticeship options and current vacancies.

Not going to uni: A website featuring a range of apprenticeship and other opportunities aimed at those students who may not wish to continue into Higher Education.

Information about University

UCASwebsite for students, parents & teachers provides advice and guidance on application into higher education.

Support for Parents and Carers