Call: 01299 270312

Child Absence Due to Illness

If your child is absent from school due to illness, for safeguarding reasons we would ask that you phone in each day before 8.50am on 01299 270312, option 1 to leave a message stating your child's name, form and reason for absence, or press 0 to speak to our receptionist. Alternatively please log your child's absence on ParentMail. 

Request for Authorisation of Absence During Term Time

Parents wishing the school to consider authorising an absence should make any request in advance, please ask the School Office for the Pupil Leave of Absence in Term Time form, then complete and return to the office. 

The request must be received by the school at least four weeks before the proposed absence. This is to allow sufficient time for appropriate consideration.

Please note that there is no automatic right to any holiday during term time and the Local Authority and school policy is that family holidays should not be taken in term time.

Should you decide to take your child out of school the absence will be recorded as unauthorised which may result in a truancy penalty notice of £60 (rising to £120) per parent per child being issued.