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Here at Lacon Childe School we are working hard to get more musical opportunities for the students here. With such musicality in the local area, students should not only have access to an exciting and engaging curriculum, but as many performance opportunities as possible! With regular termly performances including a Winter Concert, Spring Musical and Summer Show, we are proud supporters advocates of the arts.

Not only is music learning an important part of our student curriculum, but the benefits of music are ten-fold… research has shown that even just listening to music can elevate mood, reduce stress, stimulate memory and recall. Learning an instrument can improve fine motor skills and gives the cerebral cortex of the brain a very good workout!

Programme of Study Overview:


At KS3, students learn a variety of topics from music around the world with a new topic each half term and a balance of assessment outcomes across each area of study, in each year group. The national curriculum requires students to study a broad and balanced variety of topics, all focusing on three main areas of study: performance, composition and listening/appraising. All of our students will explore the world of music, this includes different traditions in music and exploring and experimenting across a wider range of genres.

The topics covered in music facilitate and allow for development of key skills. Designed in response to the GCSE content, basic music skills including how to ‘work out’ notation and key vocabulary is covered through the various stages in KS3.

This is a ‘transitional’ half term. Students will obtain the key skills in recalling, identifying and describing each of the musical elements (taught with DR T SMITH)


KS4 lessons are more personalised and will require the student to have a primary instrument. The three main components are covered throughout the year on a half-termly rotation. Lessons include listening and appraising tasks and other vocabulary work throughout the year, starting with the explicit teaching of the vocabulary outlined in the Eduqas specification.

The course is practical and 60% of the GCSE is coursework based.

Component 1: Performing - 30% of qualification

Component 2: Composing - 30% of qualification

Component 3: Appraising - 40% of qualification (‘written’ exam)

During the course, students will complete listening questions across all for Areas of Study (AOS1-4).

Area of study 1: Musical Forms and Devices

Area of study 2: Music for Ensemble

Area of study 3: Film Music

Area of study 4: Popular Music