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School Performance

The students and staff at Lacon Childe School have been rewarded for all of their hard work with these pleasing results. Despite COVID-19 feeling like a distant memory, we must not forget that our students have suffered significant disruption during their learning. Our students have persevered and refused to let even a global pandemic stand in their way to success. The resilience of our students never fails to amaze us and this summer our students have been rewarded for their continued hard work and determination with excellent results. We are extremely proud of all our Year 11 students. Alongside the students, I would like to thank the staff for their commitment and hard work and the parents/carers for their unwavering support. Achievement like this is always a team effort.


Lacon Childe Examination Results 2023

School and college performance data for the 2022/2023 academic year should be used with caution:

  • In 2022/23, qualifications returned to pre-pandemic standards. Performance measures that are based on qualification results will reflect this, and cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/2022.
  • There are ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently


Measure School Figures National Figures - based on collaborative data
Progress 8 -0.11 -0
Attainment 8 4.5 4.6
Standard pass or above in English and Maths  68% 64%
Standard pass or above in English 78% 76%
Standard pass or above in Maths  77% 71%
5 or more standard passes or above including English and Maths 62% 60%
5 or more standard passes or above 49% -
5 or more passes 96% -
Achieving 'Ebacc' at a standard pass or above 6% 23%
'Ebacc' Average points score 3.83 4.05