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Our 5-year Science curriculum aims to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We believe that developing an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through various enquiries helps students to answer scientific questions about the world around them. The department’s aim is not just focused on exams but to use Science to understand the world around us, our own lives and the future we have ahead of us.

We endeavour to excite and enthuse our pupils in Science and share information on career opportunities and links to STEM. Practical skills are an important feature of our teaching and we strive to develop independence and the ability to formulate an investigation, using scientific method and analysing results, linking to the bigger picture.

Enjoyment in Science is key to ensure full engagement and to maximise progress within and throughout lessons.

Our curriculum enables pupils to be taught by a specialist throughout their time at Lacon Childe School, and each child therefore has 3 teachers for their Science lessons. They will cover all subjects all of the time, instead of in blocks which helps to develop their understanding across the subject. It also enables them to consistently have a broad and balanced curriculum and enables them to manage their time effectively. Pupils can revise all subjects throughout the year and have access to their specialist teacher throughout, to enable them to go over any misconceptions along the way. 


Year 7 are taught in tutor groups (mixed ability), where the initial focus is on safety and familiarity of the Science labs and equipment. We then follow the order shown in the curriculum map and have developed our own scheme of work around this, based around lessons from the ‘Activate’ and ‘Spotlight on Science’ schemes. This continues through Y8 where the four teaching groups are in a mixture of form groups, timetable depending. In Y9, with Key Concepts being covered in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We have introduced a bespoke unit of learning in the first term of Y9, whereby pupils work on applying the science skills they have to date, developing and broadening these skills, embedding them as we move forwards in their science careers. Pupils are taught in four mixed ability groups in Yr 9.


Yr 10 and Yr 11 follow the EDEXCEL GCSE 9-1 Science Syllabus. The department have worked hard to develop a bespoke scheme of work for Biology, Chemistry and Physics, based on the EDEXCEL specification. The mixed groups set in Yr 9 are groups are amended in Yr 10 to accommodate Triple Science pupils and then again in Yr 11 to accommodate higher and foundation tiers. 

All pupils study Science. The Entry Level qualification is available to those pupils who would benefit from it; however, we strive to enable all pupils to attempt the full (double award) GCSE in Combined Science where possible.

Triple Science is an option subject, where pupils study an additional 5 hours per fortnight in Science. Our numbers are healthy, with roughly 20-25% of the pupils opting to take on this additional qualification.

Additional Information:

Pupil voice

Pupils are regularly given opportunity to give their feedback in terms of what they enjoy, what we do well, and what they would like to see change. On the whole this feedback is positive, with pupils clearly enjoying Science, finding it challenging and exciting at the same time.



Curriculum by Subject





We have an excellent team of staff who support our pupils on their Science journey, please see the following:

Mrs L Broom - Subject Leader: Science  [email protected]

Mrs H Gilder - Teacher of Biology [email protected]

Mrs C Johnston - Teacher of Biology & Physics [email protected]

Mrs N Titley - Teacher of Science [email protected]

Mrs N Landers - Technician [email protected]

Useful Websites

All GCSE Science past papers can be found on:

GCSE Science Past Papers

Please see link to a list of useful websites here