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Admissions Application Process

Students wishing to join our new Year 7 in September 2023 will need to apply via the Shropshire School Admissions Team. If you apply for a school place and are advised that there are no places available, you are entitled to appeal to an independent panel through Shropshire Council

Shropshire Council produce a booklet “Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire” each year with up to date information about schools and a full explanation of the admissions processes. The booklets are available in school or libraries and can be accessed on the website via the below link:


Parents/Carers of Year 6 children and resident in Shropshire will be required in the Autumn Term prior to the school year of transfer to complete a Shropshire Application form which 3 preferences can be stated. Applications can be made online through the Shropshire website.

All applications must be made by 31st October in the academic year prior to which your child is due to start school.

Following application confirmation, any objections to admission arrangements for entry in September 2023, must be made to the Appeals team by 10th March 2023 via the Shropshire council website. 

In-Year Admissions

From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.

We welcome prospective parents to visit our school.  If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy - Homepage (

Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

Admissions for our SEND HUB:

The Lacon Childe SEND Hub specialist provision can only be accessed via application to Shropshire Local Authority SEN Specialist Panel and does not form part of the wider Lacon Childe School Admissions Policy.  Places in the Lacon Childe SEND Hub are allocated by the above panel. Please note that Lacon Childe School cannot accept direct applications and/or applications through standard admissions processes.  If you would like a space for your child, you will need to contact Shropshire LA SEND team directly, please click here for more information.