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Internet Safety/ E-Safety

Lacon Childe School follows clear guidance for how we keep children safe online in our Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy and our E Safety Policy, this includes our filtering and monitoring arrangements in place.

How can you protect your child online?

If you understand the internet and understand what the risks are, there are a number of things you can do that will make your child safer online. Below you will find a list of some websites you can visit to find out more . ..

In school, we have a very clear internet safety policy and each year all students are educated how to stay safe online.

For those parents who are concerned about their children’s safety or the internet, the following sites provide useful advice:

There are a number of information leaflets attached below that will give further guidance

Reporting To School

If you have any problems at School, at Home or with your family or friends in relation to E-safety , please let us know at school. We are here to support you and we will do whatever we can to help and keep students safe.


The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is the UK’s national child protection agency (visit for more information). CEOP believe the start of the new school year is the perfect time to speak to your child about how they use the internet and how they can stay safe online.

Through the ClickCEOP advice and help centre, members of the public can access guidance on a broad range of topics to help protect their children, or alternatively report a concern directly to CEOP.  

When should I report to CEOP?

CEOP children stay safe online. Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to CEOP below.

CEOP Safety Centre

Screen time

Putting a healthy limit on how much their teens spend on their phones (and on social media) continues to be a big challenge.  Please see link to useful tips and advice on healthy gadget use, alternative tech for learning, creativity, and discovery, and how parents can encourage a balanced screen time ‘diet’ with their teens.

The Screen Time Diet: Helping Your Teen Find the Balance with Tech