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Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Lacon Childe School we are aware of the many challenges that our students can face as they progress from Year 7 to Year 11 and we are committed to supporting them every step of the way throughout that journey.

Good mental health is an important part of that journey, helping children and young people to develop and thrive. A student’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and social health, and their mental wellbeing in adulthood. The phrase ‘mental health’ is often thought to refer to mental health problems. It is the case, however, that everyone has mental health.  People have times when their mental health is good and also times when it isn’t. Mental health can vary over time, just like physical health.

Mental ill health is a phrase used to describe a range of conditions which can lead to changes in feelings or behaviour. These conditions include; anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and psychosis. This is not an exhaustive list. 1 in 6 children aged five to 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem in July 2021 – a steep increase from 1 in 9 in 2017. These and further statistics on mental health can be found here via the Young Minds website.  

At Lacon Childe School we recognise our responsibility to support students with their mental health and wellbeing needs. We want our students to:

  • Learn in a calm and purposeful environment, where behaviour is exemplary and routines are established;
  • Be mentally and physically fit to equip them for a successful adult life, be independent and ambitious;
  • Be confident, happy and feel safe;
  • Be friendly, respectful, caring and polite;
  • Develop resilience

We wish to reassure students that it is normal to feel down, anxious, over-whelmed and worried from time to time. As a school we aim to provide support and guidance for our students’ academic studies and their pastoral needs during their time with us.

We can sign post students to the following outside agencies:

  • GP
  • Child and Mental Health Services
  • Social services and safeguarding services at the local authority
  • Online support through our highlighted charities and organisations via our Mental Health & Wellbeing support pages

Support for Parents and Carers

The links below provide guidance on services for a range of different mental health and wellbeing needs which may present in a young persons’ life. Parents and Carers are encouraged to learn more by clicking on the images which will take you directly to the relevant website.

Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. Here you can chat to counsellors, read articles written by young people, get support from the Kooth community and write in a daily journal.

Young Minds

The UK’s leading charity fighting for young people’s mental health. They share a wealth of resources on how parents and carers can support young people who are feeling anxious and tips from their parents and carers helpline on how to talk to your child about. Young people can also text YM to 85258.

NHS: Every Mind Matters

Every mind matters has expert advice and top tips on how to look after your mental health. The site covers support within the following areas Mental wellbeing, Anxiety, Sleep, Stress and Low mood.

School Health Nurse – 07507 331 750 Text for Chat Health

School Health Nurses lead in ensuring that you know what services are available to you within the community and that they are accessible to everyone. School Health Nurses lead and deliver the healthy child programme to ensure a healthy start for every child. This includes promoting positive physical and mental health, supporting parents and assessing the health and development of children and young people.

Anna Freud

The UK’s leading mentally healthy schools charity. Their mission is to close the gap in wellbeing and mental health by advancing, translating, delivering and sharing the best science and practice with everyone who impacts the lives of children and families. A wealth of resources here for parents/carers.

Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK aims to offer support, advice and information on all anxiety, stress and anxiety-based depression conditions. They provide a wide range of services to support those affected by these conditions; from those living with stress or mild anxiety, through to those with more severe, complex and longstanding issues. Friendly volunteers can answer your questions and help find the right resources to manage anxiety.

Health for Teens
Love your body, love yourself! Everything you need to know about Teen health. #lovehealth


Operation Encompass

A reminder to parents/carers that Lacon Childe School are part of the Operation Encompass partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse and which is in place in every police force in England and Wales. Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended Domestic Abuse incidents which involve any of our children. To learn more about this please click on the logo below.

BEAM: Shropshire Emotional Well-being Support BEAM

Support for Students

If you think you need support for your wellbeing, speak the Safeguarding team or a member of staff you are comfortable speaking with. We can look at the right level of support for you. This could be providing you with more information, putting you in contact with a support group, arranging a meeting with the school nurse or counselling.

 If you need immediate and urgent support: NHS Urgent Support